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You will find all the information you need to know about me on my Linkedin profil

Some history ...

I ended up in Customer Success 5 years ago, when I temporarily moved to Bordeaux in France. I was looking for any job in the digital industry and found an amazing position as Customer Success Manager at Azendoo.

Since then, I am passionate about Customer Success and created Customer Success departments in multiple startups such as Botify, Salesmachine, Captain Dash ... (What we call customer success "High Touch")

I am now CS Ops Manager at Agorapulse in Paris, where my goal is to build a successful and pleasant digital experience for users.

You will find more explanation regarding Customer Success Management High Touch and Low Touch in my article here (french only)

I speak French (native) and I am fluent in English

I am fully trained on Intercom, Salesmachine (Customer Success tool) and Zendesk

My recognitions